Monday, June 13, 2005

Monochromatic and a bug

I just finished retouching some of my older pictures from Mexico that i though you guys might enjoy looking at. I like the dramatic look of black and whites, kinda makes it more traditional dont you think? word of advice to all of you though.. if you dont know already.. dont take pictures in black and white.. take them in color then convert.. you may end up kicking yourself about it later on.. i know i did. enjoy.

Here are some pictures of Miss Mel =)

Here are a couple of the kids from our summer camp

MIss Mel too this shot. I was kinda showing her how to take a picture with my camera and this is what she came up with..

Oh I just found this picture, i thought for sure i lost it over time good thing i made like 50 back up disks last year. Nothing here is photoshopped ok.. this is true to life. It was supposed to go on yesterdays post but i didnt have it at that time so i am going to post this up today.

Well thats it for now... I know ill have more later.. i dont think this will be my post for the day. So come back tonight ok. Im planning on going out so i should have some new stuff. Also im thinking about creating a new blog, less of photography, more of life stuff.. ioono maybe ill be too lazy.. we'll see...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

omg, you update more than me now. =oP

Monday, 13 June, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is that a threesome?

Monday, 13 June, 2005  

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