Friday, June 10, 2005

Day at the Races

I have a feeling that i wont be able to go out and shoot today so i thought that this would be a good opportunity to show off some of my older stuff. I call it rule number 2 (Rule number one being take and post at least 5 new pictures a day). These pictures were taken early may of this year at the Toyota Gran Prix of Long Beach. I met a girl on myspace that ran some of the marketing for it and i asked if she could hook melissa (my girlfriend for those of you who dont already know) up for some press passes so that melissa could do a package for BruinNews 29 (UCLA TV News, Melissa is a Reporter there) and i guess to thank me she brought me along as her Camera man, it was so damn cool. We got to go EVERYWHERE including the inside wall of the track. Most of these shots were taken from a big hole in the inside fence, i had to stick my head in and when i did that i was on the track. some of the cars were literally in arms reach for me when they were driving down. anyways i got a lot of good shots that day, including video footage. so here they are. tell me what you think ok
Can you see how close we got to the track? There is no zoom involved with this shot, we are right up on the inside fence. pretty damn cool huh

Pit Crew shots, i think for every car there must be like 50 people working on them. I think there were only like 20 cars during this race, but there were like hundreds of crew workers on the track.

Just before the main race about 10 sky divers did a short show for us. One or two of them had a HUGE flag strapped to thier leg. Now in this first picture you can see how HUGE that flag really is, well as this guy cam down to the track where he was supposed to land, something went wrong and that flag of his got cought in one of the extended cranes for the TV cameras. It was pretty damn funny, but the TV crew guys were able to quickly untangle him before he fully landed so everything went off ok.

Here are my kick ass shots of the actual cars in action. I have to admit i am really proud of some of these shots, That weekend i must have take 400 pictures (thank god for my 1 gig cards) anyways these guys i was told were going like 200 mile per hour RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME, ill show you our hole later to get a better idea of what i mean.

Now these next shots were race cars, well they are buy not really used for racing, its a think called drifting. They drift at like 90 miles per hour fully controlled. in this first shot, my favorite shot, they got so close to me that i actually jumped back after the i took it because i got really scared, i even ducked on the ground ( not that it would have done me any good anyways) people in the stands laughed at me. oh and when i got back melissa noticed that i had tire fragments on my face, she wasnt too happy that i got that close.

Ok now for my odd ball shots

oh yeah almost forgot to mention we had to wear these little blue vest that just made me look really really fat. anyways this is what we looked like that day... oh yeah notice the hole in the fence.. yeah that were most of my shots were taken from, holes in teh security fences from different sides of the track.

Still havent thought of a catch phrase ill start thinking of some tonight. ok hope you enjoyed. let me know i like comments hahaha.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your pictures continue to amaze me. Some of the pictures I've seen so far look very much like poster quality.

Friday, 10 June, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Crazy photographer! It's not a good sign when you're so close that pieces of tire are stuck to your face. I guess that's what it takes to get such cool pictures...

Sunday, 12 June, 2005  

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