Sunday, September 18, 2005

Caution Danger

This is me being creative. Id like to continue this series as i progress, im sure it will end up beign something kinda cool.

Theres a few more of those that i cant seem to find for some reason or the other ill post those up when i find them.

Fashion Photography

Heres my attempt at "fashion photography" I get really nervouse about shooting people, they are so much harder to do that scenery.

Im still working on my skills for that set. It hard to get people to shoot that i woudl be comfertable with shooting.

The Great Defenders

Consider this a small section for the Men and Women of the US armed forces. I call this The Great Defender Series. Most of them were taken during fleet week in San Diego

F-14D Tomcat

FA/A - 18 Super Hornet.

C-130 Cargo Plane

Fleet week is coming up again soon, so i should have more later on.

Allegra shoot.. get it?

I think there is a point in every photographers life where they go through a flower stage. Well heres my stage. These were taken at the botanical garden in Balboa Park, San Diego.

Dont ask me what kind of flowers they are becuase i really dont know. It was late in the and were kinda being pushed out, i guess it was already closing time, so i just walked around and fired randomly.